Relationships |
Parents |
Resource |
An Entity in a Context playing a role other than that of Time or Place. |
Children |
Abstraction |
A Creation which exists as a concept and is recognised only through one more more
physical, digital or spatio-temporal Manifestations.
Audio |
A Creation which is intended to be listened to. |
AudioVisual |
A Creation which is intended to be looked at and listened to. |
Book |
A non serial Creation, capable of being expressed in printed form with multiple bound
pages and covers, published with a distinct Title and not as part of another Publication
unless it is set of similar Resources. A DOI applied at this level may refer to a
Book which appears in physical, digital and audio forms.
Dataset |
A Set of numeric and related data (typically associated with scientific research). |
Derivation |
A Creation made, in whole or part, from one or more existing Creations. |
IsSameAs |
A Creation that is the same as another Creation. |
Language |
A Creation whose content is expressed in human or machine-readable Language. |
LearningObject |
A Resource for use in teaching and learning. |
LinkedCreation |
A Creation with which a Creation is associated. |
Manifestation |
A perceivable Creation that is a realization of an Abstraction. |
Music |
A Creation whose content is expressed in musical notes. |
Other |
A Creation whose content is expressed in a form other than Language, Music, or Image. |
Part |
A Part of a Creation. |
Physical |
A Creation which is expressed in physical form. |
PromotionalResource |
A Creation which promotes the use of another Creation. |
Publication |
A Creation made available for access. |
ReferentCreation |
A Creation identified by a DoiName. |
Season |
A sub-grouping of an Audio or AudioVisual Series. |
Series |
A Set of related Creations published sequentially, typically under some common Name. |
SharesContent |
A Creation that shares some content with another Creation (for example, two books
which have common Chapters, or a TV show that contains an excerpt of a Film).
Standard |
A formal standard adopted by ISO or another recognized standards body. |
SupplementalResource |
A Creation which accompanies another Creation (this includes, for example, all kinds
of preface or epilogue in a textual Creation, or trailers or outtakes in an Audiovisual
TakesContent |
A Creation that contains content coming from one or more places in another Creation
(for example, a text which contains some paragraphs from a pre-existing text). The
content may or may not be identified as a distinct Part.
Undefined |
A Creation with a relationship with another Creation which is unknown or not covered
by the available options.
Visual |
A Creation which is intended to be looked at. |
WebResource |
A Creation made for, or first published on, the World Wide Web. |
Belongs to AVS |
doiavs:primaryReferentType |
Allowed values for the primary type of a referent. |