
Press Coverage & News Archive


Note that this list is an archive of material related to the DOI system that is no longer being actively maintained or reviewed. Documents may contain links that are no longer active.

Linked Content Coalition (LCC). "Linked Content Coalition Launch", Press Release, July 2012.
mEDRA. "ISBN-A launched in Italy", Press Release, November 2008.
mEDRA. "No time in your first life? Meet mEDRA in Second Life", mEDRA News, 26-03-2008.
CrossRef. "BSI British Standards Joins CrossRef", 9 October 2007. Press Release.
iSpiders. "Buying & Selling DOIs ... and the same for specimens", 25 October 2007. Blog entry by David Shorthouse.
iSpiders. "Biodiversity Informatics Needs a Business Model", 24 October 2007. Blog entry by David Shorthouse.
iPhylo. "BHL and DOIs", 25 October 2007. Blog entry by Roderic Page.
BBC News. "The Tech Lab: Bradley Horowitz", 29 June 2007. Bradley Horowitz, responsible for novel technology development at search giant Yahoo, looks ahead to the "internet of things". [See quote.]
Jon Udell, Interviews With Innovators. "Winning the Battle Against Linkrot", Interview with Geoffrey Bilder, Director of Strategic Initiatives, CrossRef, 4 April 2007. [See quote.]
Jon Udell. Podcast. "A conversation with Tony Hammond about digital object identifiers", January 26, 2007. Tony Hammond is with Nature Publishing Group which publishes the journal Nature and operates Connotea, a social bookmarking service for scientists.
CrossRef. "CrossRef Surpasses 20 Million DOI Mark", 26 April 2006.
PLos Computational Biology. "Will a Biological Database Be Different from a Biological Journal?" by Philip Bourne. PLoS Computational Biology, 26 August 2005.
Information World Review. "Resolution to Persistence" by Tracey Caldwell. IWR, October 2005, Issue 217, pp. 20-21. Includes section on cross-publisher linking mentioning CrossRef and DOI. [Available via free subscription from IWR.]
Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ). "Understanding the OpenURL Framework" by Cynthia Hodgson. NISO, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 1-4. Includes section "Integration with DOI". [Available via subscription from NISO.]
Technical Services Quarterly. "DOIs and Deeplinked E-Reserves: Innovative Links for the Future", Scott A. Warren, Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 22(4) 2005, 16 August 2005. (Available from Haworth Press, doi:10.1300/J124v22n04_01.
CrossRef. "CrossRef Deploys Free OpenURL Resolver", Press Release, 16 August 2005.
EPS Insights "R.R. Bowker: Bringing the DOI into the book publishing mainstream" by Steve Sieck, reproduced with permission from EPS Insights, 7 June 2005.
Book Industry Study Group "Breakthrough Roadmap of Identifiers Pulls the Pieces Together". BISG, Press Release, 14 April 2005.
CrossRef. "DOE/OSTI Joins CrossRef to Assign DOIs to Technical Reports". CrossRef, Press Release, 3 February 2005.
Seybold Report. "DOI: Slow But Steady Wns the Race?". The Seybold Report, Vol. 4, No. 18, Dec 22, 2004. (Available by subscription only. Local reprint available here with permission.)
Julian Perkin. "Getting a Handle on Data". Financial Times, Cover Story, 17 November 2004. Part one of a two-part feature. (Available on-line by subscription to FT.com only.)
Julian Perkin. "Avoiding Identity Crises". Financial Times, Cover Story, 1 December 2004. Part two of a two-part feature. (Available on-line by subscription to FT.com only.)
TSO (The Stationery Office) "Free Digital Object Identifiers Pave Way to Link Public Information". Press Release, 15 June 2004.
Netcraft News "Getting a handle on URNs". News Release, "Around the Net", 24 May 2004.
CrossRef "CrossRef™ Launches Pilot Program of CrossRef Search, Powered by Google™". Press Release, CrossRef, April 2004.
Content Directions, Inc. "ibooks, ipicturebooks and childrenselibrary Sign with Content Directions to Implement DOIs". Press Release, Content Directions, Inc., 17 March 2004.
TSO. "TSO Helps Revolutionise Digital Photography". Press Release, TSO (The Stationery Office), February 2004.
EPS Focus Report. "DOI in 2004; What are the tipping points?" by Nick Dempsey, EPS, January 2004. Full report can be purchased from EPS. Excerpts reproduced here with permission.
BookTech Magazine. "A Cutting-Edge Identifier for Publishing" by Ed McCoyd, AAP, 20 January 2004.
EPS White Paper Series. "Economic Benefits of Digital Object Identifier Applications in Content Marketing" Part I. Using the DOI to Improve Profitability In Publishers' E-Commerce Operations, Steve Sieck, EPS-USA, LLC, 16 December 2003.
TSO."DOIs To Be Used By the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)". Press Release, The Stationery Office (TSO), October 2003.
Release 1.0." Online Registries: The DNS and Beyond...", Esther Dyson, September 2003.
Copyright Agency, Ltd. (CAL) "DOI funding success good news for digital print industry", News Release, 11 September 2003.
EPS Update. "Putting Online Activities Into Context: DOI", by Kate Worlock, extract reproduced from EPS INSIGHTS - 31 July 2003.
EPS Update. "TSO: UKOP Becomes DOI Enabled", by David Worlock, kindly reproduced from EPS Update - 31 July 2003.
EPS Update. "Not your Father's DOI: New Applications Show Wider Promise", by Steve Sieck, kindly reproduced from EPS Update - 1 July 2003.
Association of American Publishers and Learning Objects Network, Inc. "The Association of American Publishers (AAP) and Learning Objects Network (LON) Sign Agreement to Register DOIs for E-Learning Content", New York, 12 June 2003.
Cover Pages. "Digital Object Identifier System (DOI)", Technology Report, The Cover Pages, March 2003.
Research Information. "Linking evolved: The future of online research", by Amy Brand and Kristen Fisher, Spring 2003, Issue 5, pp. 12 - 14.
EPS Update. "DOI: Starting a New Generation", by David Worlock, kindly reproduced from EPS Update - 8 May 2003.
Research @ Smith. "Performance Monitoring for Wide-area Applications", Louiqa Raschid, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, Spring 2003.
Association of American Publishers and Content Directions, Inc. "AAP and Content Directions Sign Agreement to Register DOIs", New York, 8 April 2003.
CrossRef. "CrossRef Growing Fast As It Signs More Than 200 Members", Press Release, 8 April 2003.
Content Directions, Inc. "Humana Press and Content Directions Sign Agreement to Register DOIs", Press Release, 15 January 2003.
Information Today. "The Digital Object Identifier", Peter Jacso, Vol. 19, Issue 11, December 2002. (Available only to Information Today subscribers.)
Borsenblatt. "Eine runde Sache", Christina Schulte, October 2002 (auf Deutsch).
Higher Learning. "Electronic Publishing and Online Databases, Digital Object Identifier", Higher Learning, Technology Serving Education, Sep/Oct 2002, p. 28.
Corbis and Content Directions, Inc. "Corbis and Content Directions Sign Agreement to Register DOIs", Press Release, August 2002.
Research Information. "Journal Cross Linking: The Web's Potential Untangled", by Vanessa Spedding, Spring 2002, Issue 2.
Borsenblatt. "Die Nadel im Heuhaufen finden", Christina Schulte, July 30, 2002 (auf Deutsch).
AIE and eContent. "EDRA, a project to develop a European DOI Registration Agency, launched on 1 July 2002.", Press Release, AIE (Associazione Italiana Editori) and eContent Programme, July 2002.
GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies. "Enterprise Content Integration with the Digital Object Identifier: A Business Case for Information Publishers", Bill Rosenblatt, June 22, 2002.
Publishers Weekly. "Stevens Institute Web Courses Use DOI", Calvin Reid, June 3, 2002.
The Seybold Report. "DOI: A Tale of Whoa", Jim Felici, Vol. 1, No. 16, November 19, 2001. (Subscription required to view article.)
EPS Update Note. "DOI: Getting the Standards In Line for E-Learning", November 16, 2001.
mi2n. "Major Organizations to Develop Digital Rights Management (DRM) Standard", Music Industry News Network, October 31, 2001.
PrintMedia. "Digital Object Identifier: What Is It and Why Is It So Great? " by David Sidman and Tina Aridas, October 2001, pp. 22-23.
The Bulletin. "Phase 2 of DOI-EB Unveiled at Frankfurt", Seybold News & Views on Electronic Publishing, Volume 7, No. 1,October 9, 2001.
Publishing Research Quarterly. "A Practical Guide to Automating the Digital Supply Chain with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)" by David Sidman & Tom Davidson, Content Directions, Inc., Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 2001, pp. 22-23.
The Korea Post. "Enpia Systems 1st company to develop DRM solution", Vol. 14, No 7, July 2001.
Business Week. "A Library to End All Libraries", ... Think of it as a kind of catalog number that can instantly provide all kinds of information about printed material , by Stephen H. Wildstrom, July 23, 2001.
Business Week. "How the Digital Object Identifier Works", ... an online system that will give users more choices, by Stephen H. Wildstrom, July 23, 2001.
The Seybold Report, "E-book Project Highlights Role of DOI in Selling Digital Content", by Mark Walter, June 18, 2001.
The New York Times. "Compressed Data: Tags Could Help Keep E-Book Links Alive", by Lisa Guernsey, June 18, 2001.
MSNBC. "Internet Pioneer Urges Overhaul", Elliot Zaret's interview with Bob Kahn, CEO of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, November 21, 2000.
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